Foodies will get together whenever there's something interesting to eat. But one group of foodies is getting together, and the reason is far more noble.
The reason? Helping in the fight against Multiple Sclerosis. In this case, to raise money, and ride across Texas in the 2010 MS 150.
Sunny Bogden (@sunkneelion)
Melanie Campbell (@mctello)
Gus Tello (@gtello)
Matt Cuddihy (@mattcuddihy)
Jenn Molholt (@treelight)
Plinio Sandalio (@psandalio)
Erika Mandeville (@hungrysmalls)
Sheri Davidson (@sheridavidson)
Jonathan Platon (@bondbuddha)
Greg Lopp (@greglopp)
Sharon Stinson (@sharonmoves)
Kris Hayes (@krishayes)
Sara Proffitt (@sproffitt)
Renae Virata
Carlo Soli
The team has its own Twitter presence: @teamliverstrong
Want to support the team? Visit the team web site and make your donation. It's for a great cause.